Gait Analysis

Here at RunMental we have worked with many patients and clients; watching, analyzing, and adjusting countless gait patterns as indicated. If you feel something is off with your running or have been told your gait is a contributing reason to your injuries, a formal in depth analysis by a running specialist may be just the thing to get you moving in the right direction.

We utilize some of the latest tech to provide us lab grade 3D-analysis using the Runeasi system. This helps us objectify and track some of your running metrics that aren’t visible to the naked eye in a valid and reliable manner with years of testing and research behind it, which you can see here.

If you aren't testing, you're guessing!

Here is what we'll assess with this 90min analysis:

  1. Movement quality, Strength, and Power through run specific tests

  2. Impact magnitude

    • How much impact reaches your center of mass after contact with the ground? Higher impact values increases your total running load over the same time or distance.

  3. Impact Duration

    • How well do you absorb the impact through your legs after you make contact with the ground? A longer impact duration is linked to a softer and better coordinated landing.

  4. Dynamic instability

    • How much energy is wasted that is not contributing to forward propulsion due to lower pelvic movement, coordination, and control. This is linked to running efficiency and injury risk due to extra strain and compensation of stabilizing muscles.

  5. Contextual factors.

    • Cadence and ground contact time are parameters that can be used to optimize running technique.

With the above insight, which is ultimately a reflection to how well you are managing the forces of running, we can formulate a plan consisting of exercises to not only improve these metrics, but decrease injury risk and increase performance.

If you are unsure if a gait analysis is right for you, schedule a free consultation call so we can talk about your situation and what would be best.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our 90min gait analysis is $225.

  • Payment is accepted through all major credit cards, cash, and check.

  • Unfortunately, we can not offer this service for those on a remote basis do to the inability to utilize the Runeasi software in this capacity. If you are open to forgoing that piece of the analysis, we can perform this remotely and will still be incredibly valuable to better understand your running with the video analysis and run specific physical performance tests.

  • This analysis great for any runner. New or experienced. Recreational or competitive. A gait analysis is usually most valuable to those runners who are interested in minimizing their injury risk or finding ways to improve their performance.